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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Putting an image into black and white

So, you want to make an image look old , or perhaps you just want to remove the colour to create a different type of emotion. I'm going to show you a few quick steps that will put your image into black and white.

First we will open the image in photoshop, for the point of this demonstration I will use a bunch of coloured flowers and turn it from coloured into black and white.

From here, we will click on the Menu 'Image', Adjustments and lastly, Black and White.

A window will come up with different options on how you want it to be black and white. You can just click on OK, if you want it to be black and white.

Otherwise, you can change with the settings.
Clicking on 'Tint', will tint the image with whatever colour you choose. For example if you choose  a brown tint it will be a  white and brown image.

You now have your black and white image, simply save it.

Adobe Photoshop Resizing and Cropping an image

We are going to start off with using an image of a snake lunging at a bird. We will eventually resize this and crop out the snake.

First off we will get the crop tool.

We will then select the bird fully with the crop tool and press enter. The crop tool deletes everything that isn't selected , on that layer.

Now lets say you want to resize this image, make it skinnier, there are a few ways. But the best way, is to click the move tool, or 'v'. This will bring up transform controls. Note: Make sure ' Show transform controls is selected'.

You may then drag the boxes on the image to make it taller or skinnier and vice versa. I will make it skinnier for this demonstration.

I will then save the bird as a jpg file, it will turn out like this.

Adobe Photoshop Basics

This will give all the basics of using Adobe Photoshop, suitable for the first timer on amateur user.

As soon as you open Adobe Photoshop you are shown with the main screen.

At the top left we have a menu, consisting of, 
File , Edit , Image , Layer .. and so on. These menu's each have their unique purpose, most often you will be using the 'File' menu.

Below the file menu we have lots of smaller buttons. 

Note: The coloured outlines and not actually in photoshop but are for demonstration purposes.

This buttons inside the red outline are for moving the image and manipulating it. The first button that is selected already is the rectangular marquee tool. This tool is for selecting around the image or layer. Right clicking and dragging inside the layer will select it. 
The rest of the buttons are different ways of selecting the image.

The tools inside the green outline are for drawing ,erasing and filling things on your image. For example the bucket, fills the image with the selected colours (inside the yellow outline below).

The yellow outlined buttons consist of your colour palette. The one infront (black) is your foreground, and the one in the back (white) is your background. Clicking on either one will bring up every colour can choose from.

This is an image of where basically everything is.

The best way to learn is play around with an image for an hour and just try every button.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Creating round rectangular buttons on Adobe Photoshop
Rounded  rectangular buttons are sleeker and look stylish. This method is one of many to create this shape.
Creating these buttons is actually far more simple than you might expect.

First of all we still start by opening photoshop up and creating a canvas of about 100px wide and 50px high.

Next we will fill this is with any colour you want to be the background of the button. Lets use a bright red.

We can now select the rounded rectangle tool by right click on the square

Draw your shape as big as you want your button to be. Then simply double click to the right part of the shape layer on the layer tab to bring up layer style. Then drag the opacity bar to 0%.

From there we can click paths, which just next to channels and layers down the bottom right.
Right click shape 1 vector mask , make selection, feather radius is 0px and make sure the Anti-aliased box is checked and press OK.

This selects the background in the shape of the rounded rectangle. Now
go to edit , COPY MERGED (ctrl+shift+c), this will copy the merged product.

From there we create a new canvas. File, New, OK.
Just paste on the rounded button. Ctrl + V or Edit, Paste.

You should now have something that looks like this

Now simply add some text in the middle of this and save.

Feel free to comment on what you would like a guide for in photoshop.

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